- Key reports
- Business and human rights
- Discrimination
- Principles
- Аmicus curiae
- Presidential elections 2020
- Presidential elections 2015
- Presidential elections 2010
- Parliamentary elections 2019
- Parliamentary elections 2016
- Parliamentary elections 2012
- Parliamentary elections 2008
- Local elections 2018
- Local elections 2014
- Local elections 2010
- Dactyloscopy
- Police as a service
- Penitentiary
- Pensions
- Correspondence (key texts)
- Forced labor
- Torture and other ill treatment
- Referendum 2022
- Freedom of association
- Freedom of peaceful assembly
- Against death penalty
- Economic and Social Rights
- Judicial system
- Other
Key reports
- Elections*2025. Preliminary analytical report on the results of observation of the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus
- Report on the Implementation of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by the Republic of Belarus Prepared by Civil Society Organizations Committee (113th Session)
- Human Rights in Belarus: Key Trends in Public Policy. January — April'24
- Preliminary analytical report on the results of monitoring the elections of deputies on a single voting day on February 25, 2024
- Mid-term report on the implementation of recommendations received by the Republic of Belarus during the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review
- Human Rights in Belarus: Key Trends in Public Policy. January — June'23
- Interim report of the national human rights coalition on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of the recommendations of the Human Rights Committee / follow-up report
- Alternative reports on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of SDG 16 and the 2030 Agenda as a whole
- Referendum 2022: Final report
- New Legislative Regulation in the Republic of Belarus as the Authorities’ Response to the Events of 2020 and How It Correlates with International Standards in the Field of Human Rights
- Priority recommendations of the national human rights coalition for the UPR procedure
- BELARUS AFTER ELECTION Report on the human rights situation in Belarus in the post-election period
- Альтернативный доклад коалиции белорусских НГО о выполнении Республикой Беларусь Конвенции о правах ребенка
- Alternative report by National Human Rights Coalition on implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the Republic of Belarus (represented to the 124th session of the UN Human Rights Committee)
- Report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by the Republic of Belarus
Business and human rights
- Telegram - Google - Apple. Human rights violations and promotion of violence in supply chain
- Belarus: Human rights and business (guide for business, government, and civil society)
- The Country Guide for Human Rights and Business in Belarus, 2016
- Analytical review of the human rights situation in Belarus in 2015
- Report on the Implementation of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by the Republic of Belarus Prepared by Civil Society Organizations Committee (113th Session)
- Appeals to the Red Cross organizations on the issue of discrimination by the Secretary General of the Belarusian Red Cross Society
- List of issues on the implementation of CEDAW: submission prepared for the 83rd Pre-Sessional Working Group of the CEDAW
- Report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by the Republic of Belarus
- Report on Implementation of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by the Republic of Belarus Prepared by Civil Society Organizations
- New Report on Equality in Belarus Published by ERT
- Preliminary analytical report on the results of monitoring the elections of deputies on a single voting day on February 25, 2024
- Analytical report on the results of monitoring the nomination and registration of candidates
- Analytical report on the formation of precinct commissions
- Situation on the eve of the elections*2024. First report of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”
Presidential elections 2020
- New Legislative Regulation in the Republic of Belarus as the Authorities’ Response to the Events of 2020 and How It Correlates with International Standards in the Field of Human Rights
- BELARUS AFTER ELECTION Report on the human rights situation in Belarus in the post-election period
- 2020 Presidential Election. Preliminary report on election observation. Full text
- 2020 Presidential Election. Report on election campaigning
- Accreditation of “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” observers and the start of early voting observation
- 2020 Presidential Election. Report on the nomination and registration of presidential candidates
- 2020 Presidential Election: Report on the formation of precinct election commissions
- 2020 Presidential Election. Weekly observation report: June 15-21
- 2020 Presidential Election. Weekly observation report: May 25-31
- 2020 Presidential Election. Report on the formation of territorial election commissions
- Report on the registration of nomination groups
- 2020 Presidential Election. Weekly observation report: May 8-17
- 2020 presidential election in Belarus: key proposals from human rights defenders
Presidential elections 2015
- Election process did not meet a number of key international standards for democratic and free elections
- Final report on early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015
- Report on the observation of the stage of pre-election campaigning
- Report on the results of monitoring of the third day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015
- Report on the results of monitoring of the fourth day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015
- Report on the results of monitoring of the second day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015
- Report on the results of monitoring of the first day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015
- Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: 28 September - 4 October
- Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: September 21-27
- Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: September 14-20
- Analytical weekly report on the results of weekly observation: August 31 - September 6
- Report on the results of monitoring the formation of precinct election commissions
- Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: August 17-23
- Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: August 10-17
- Analytical report on the results of the weekly observation: August 3-9
- Report on monitoring the formation of territorial election commissions
- Analytical weekly report on results of observation: July 13-19
- Human rights defenders suggest for CEC implementing 3 new procedures to enhance transparency of elections
- Analytical Report on the results of observation: July 1-5
- Statement on the occasion of the beginning of the campaign to monitor the presidential elections in Belarus
Presidential elections 2010
- Election of the President 2010. Analyst at Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections
- Final HRD Monitoring Report on Presidential Election in Belarus
- Election of the President of Belarus 2010: Pre-election Monitoring Report on Campaign
- Election of the President: Pre-election Monitoring Report on Registration of Presidential Candidates
- Parliamentary elections 2019: Analytical report
- 2019 parliamentary elections: Report on early voting
- 2019 parliamentary elections: Report on election campaigning
- 2019 parliamentary elections: Weekly report. November 4-9
- Parliamentary elections 2019: Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: October 20-25
- 2019 parliamentary elections: Weekly report. October 28 - November 2
- Parliamentary elections 2019: Report on the nomination and registration of candidates
- Parliamentary elections 2019: Report on the formation of precinct election commissions
- Parliamentary elections 2019. Report on the formation of territorial and district election commissions
- Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: August 12-17
- Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: August 5-10
Parliamentary Elections 2016
- Priority recommendations on reforming electoral legislation
- Parliamentary elections: Final report on early voting
- Parliamentary elections: Analytical report on fourth day of early voting
- Parliamentary elections: Analytical report on third day of early voting
- Parliamentary elections: Analytical report on second day of early voting
- Parliamentary elections: Analytical report on first day of early voting
- Analytical Report on the Registration of Candidates
- Report on the formation of territorial and district election commissions
- Analytical Report on the Formation of Precinct Election Commissions
- Report on the registration of nomination groups
- Analytical weekly report on the results of observation: June 7-12
- Weekly Analytical Report: July 18-24
- Weekly Analytical Report: August 1-7
- Parliamentary Elections: Report on Election Campaigning
Parliamentary elections 2012
Local Elections 2010
Official correspondence (key texts)
Torture and other ill treatment
- Committee against Torture. Proposed issues for the “List of issues prior to reporting (LoIPR) of the sixth periodic report of the Republic of Belarus”
- BELARUS AFTER ELECTION Report on the human rights situation in Belarus in the post-election period
- Summary of the NGO report on the implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by the Republic of Belarus
Referendum 2022
- Referendum 2022: Final report
- Referendum 2022: Analytical report of the expert mission on the evaluation of the constitutional referendum
- Referendum-2022: Analytical report on the formation of precinct election commissions
- Situation on the eve of the referendum. First report of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”
against death penalty
- Mid-term report on the implementation of recommendations received by the Republic of Belarus during the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review
- Priority recommendations of the national human rights coalition for the UPR procedure
- UPR: coalition report on the fulfilment by the Republic of Belarus of its human rights obligations, 2020
- Recommendations of Belarusian NGOs for the Universal Periodic Review of Belarus in the UN Human Rights Council
- Human rights defenders present The Universal Periodic Review of Belarus
- Annual Report on Failures and Successes - 2023
- Non-formal Human Rights Education Provided by the Belarusian Civil Society: Current State, Problems, and Challenges
- The analysis of violations by the Republic of Belarus of international human rights obligations and constitutional guarantees in respect of its citizens due to the adoption of Decree No. 278 "On the Procedure for Issuing Documents and Performing Actions"
- BELARUS HUMAN RIGHTS INDEX: data for the Index
- Interim report of the national human rights coalition on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of the recommendations of the Human Rights Committee / follow-up report
- Alternative reports on the implementation by the Republic of Belarus of SDG 16 and the 2030 Agenda as a whole
- Альтернативный доклад коалиции белорусских НГО о выполнении Республикой Беларусь Конвенции о правах ребенка
- Alternative report by National Human Rights Coalition on implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the Republic of Belarus (represented to the 124th session of the UN Human Rights Committee)
- Resolution of OSCE Civil Society Parallel Forum (document)
- Technical link. SOME RIGHTS OF THE CHILD. Belarus