BHC does its best to describe new pension rules as scrupulously as possible
The criminal case against the leaders of the REP trade union is politically motivated and related to their active trade union work and peaceful implementation of the right to freedom association
This commissions have taken part in realization of different social projects adressed to resocialization and adaptation of convicted
This resolution pays particular attention to the situation in Belarus, the host country of this session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, with a number of specific recommendations
Before the session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the next round of the EU-Belarus Dialogue on Human Rights
Freedom from torture is an absolute right and is not subject to any restrictions even in a military conflict or a state of emergency
During the Consultations the representatives of Belarussian Helsinki Committee have taken the floor on the topics of "Practice of preparation of alternative human rights reports to UN Committee" and "Presentation of the concept of equality and non-discrimination legal system".
Allegations are compiled based on the situation with BHC representatives in Viciebsk and Maladziechna regions - Paval Levinau and Eduard Balanchuk
Belarusian Helsinki Committee has appealed to The Constitutional Court to eliminate a legal gap and enshrine the criminal cases witness’s right to counsel in the law of Belarus. This proposal was heard.
We demand that the authorities of Belarus should immediately release him
Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights organizations
Every crime must be punished.
But not with the price of our inner purity, of our individual self
The Constitution proclaims the rights and freedoms as the supreme goal of the State
Briefly. The main conclusion is that whatever aims are declared by the Decree in practice more vulnerable groups have suffered from it.
Here are some tips
This leaflet can help you get better prepared to interaction with militia.
The civil campaign Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections has presented a policy paper on its recommendations aimed at reforming the electoral legislation of Belarus. According to the campaign’s experts, these recommendations are crucial for the conduct of free, fair and democratic elections
In Statement by Foreign Ministers of Germany and France Steinmeier and Ayrault on the awarding of the Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law they stated that the award was established to pay tribute to the inspiring engagement of these brave women and men throughout the world, who struggle for human rights.
Праца з правамі чалавека дабратворна для рэпутацыі бізнесу, паляпшае ўмовы працы і прадукцыйнасць супрацоўнікаў і павышае шанцы бізнэсу стаць партнёрамі вялікіх міжнародных карпарацый і прыцягнуць інвестыцыі з боку заходніх інвестараў.
Representatives of the human rights organizations in Belarus support the approval of the Interagency Plan of implementation of the UPR recommendations.
The experts underline that in their work they focused on the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR that don’t require introducing respective amendments into the Electoral Code and other legislative acts, i.e. they can be implemented before the electoral campaign of the next parliamentary elections kicks off, by means of regulations of the Central Electoral Committee.