A child in Belarus is not a person with his or her own rights and interests.
Here’s a bit on how the Committee works, how one can submit a report, what one is to do if they are not ready to write their own report, but still want to promote the topic.
In accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, every one facing a criminal charge has the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law
The conference will facilitate an increase in the competencies of civil society representatives in protecting socio-economic rights, preparing and submitting reports to the UN treaty bodies, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in particular. It is also a good opportunity to exchange experience with the use of UN treaty bodies with colleagues from non-governmental organizations from various thematic sectors.
You can find the analytics for this election campaign in Documents. The monitoring will involve 40 long-term and 300 short-term observers.
Belarusian human rights organizations issued a joint position on the verge of the next following round of EU-Belarus dialog.
The decision was made by the Constitutional Court after the appeal of the citizen A.Khvostik. The Belarusian Helsinki Committee helped to prepare the papers for the case.
The human rights community has repeatedly highlighted the fact that the duty of payment for peaceful assemblies associated with the exercise of freedom of peaceful assembly and of expression, is an unacceptable practice that drastically limits the possibility of free exercise of these freedoms in practice.
The report is based on a study of Belarusian legislation and shows a lack of reliable statistics measuring the scale of the problem of homelessness in Belarus.
Representatives of human rights organizations in Belarus call to immediately stop the criminal prosecution of Siarhei Piatrukhin and drop all the charges against him; to not use the Criminal Code in cases involving defamation.
With the assistance of the BHC representative, an initiative group from Bogushevsk prepared collective appeals. One of them - to the Presidential Administration and the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee with the demands to keep the hospital and the polyclinic - is available on the website “Convenient City.” More than 1000 residents of the urban village and neighboring villages signed the appeals.
We believe that the administrative prosecution of Ms. Krasulina for participating in a peaceful assembly is a disproportionate measure infringing her rights, as this expression of opinion is in no way subject to permissible restrictions on freedom of peaceful assembly set out in art. 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In their report, the HRDs outlined key ears of concern in terms of Belarus’s obligations under the Covenant, in particular failure to properly investigate cases of forced disappearances, continued application of the death penalty, police-related torture reports, forced labor, lack of independence of defense lawyers, repressive legislation governing the activities of the media, NGOs and organization of peaceful assemblies.
One of the levers of pressure on the independent media is economic discrimination against them. It is manifested, in particular, by an effective prohibition of foreign investments in the media, on the one hand, and by the annual government funding of public media in the amount of EUR 50 mln., on the other
The open letter stresses that Mikhail Zhamchuzhny is exposed to “additional suffering, besides that caused by the very fact of his imprisonment” and urges the head of State to release the prisoner “on the basis of principles of humanism and justice.”
We urge the Parliament to take the following steps when considering the draft bill: remove Article 193.1 from the Criminal Code; vote against the introduction of administrative responsibility through a supplement to the Administrative Code; start a public discussion with all stakeholders of further changes in legislation regulating the establishment and activities of civil society organizations.
Human rights activities should be guaranteed by the state in accordance with the Declaration on the Right and Responsibilities of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights
Here are some tips
The participants discussed topical questions and exchanged views on the issue of implementation of the National Human Rights Action Plan
Following consideration of the national report, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination will prepare concluding observations and recommendations for Belarus within a week to improve the situation relating to racial discrimination.
Every crime should be punished
But not at the expense of our inner purity, our self
The entire election process is assessed solely on the basis of the principles of free, democratic and transparent elections, which can enable the people of Belarus to fully exercise their constitutional right to participate in the government of the country.
A short summary of the election process situation
We call on the Belarusian authorities to guarantee a public hearing of the charges in accordance with the principles of a fair trial, as well as international standards for the protection of freedom of speech and expression
Inter alia, human rights defenders community represenatatives were proposed to follow the Principles of Human Rights Work in Belarus and to promote human rights based approach in the activities of the civil society organizations, state institutions and commercial organizations.
The Principles of Human Rights Work apply to relations between human rights defenders and to relations of human rights defenders with victims of human rights violations, public authorities, international organizations, civil society organizations, other professional communities, and the media.
BHC does its best to describe new pension rules as scrupulously as possible
The criminal case against the leaders of the REP trade union is politically motivated and related to their active trade union work and peaceful implementation of the right to freedom association