
The analysis of violations by the Republic of Belarus of international human rights obligations and constitutional guarantees in respect of its citizens due to the adoption of Decree No. 278 "On the Procedure for Issuing Documents and Performing Actions"





The analysis of violations by the Republic of Belarus of international human rights obligations and constitutional guarantees in respect of its citizens due to the adoption of Decree No. 278 "On the Procedure for Issuing Documents and Performing Actions"


On September 4, 2023, Decree No. 278 "On the Procedure for Issuing Documents and Performing Actions" was adopted. 

Firstly, several administrative procedures (including property transactions) can now be performed only on the territory of Belarus in person or by a power of attorney issued in Belarus. Secondly, it will only be possible to obtain and exchange a regular passport, ID, and biometric passport in Belarus, even for Belarusian citizens who possess PP series passports (i.e., those who have formalized permanent residence in another country).


Demand adherence to Belarus' international obligations on sexual and reproductive rights: a joint statement by human rights organisations


We state that the initiative of the Prosecutor General's Office is an unjustified interference of the state in the personal life of citizens. It contradicts the international obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of human rights, including sexual and reproductive rights, as well as poses a threat to various vulnerable groups (including, but not limited to the LGBTQ community, teenagers, women).

The initiative contradicts a number of basic human rights:


The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Belarusian Medical Solidarity Foundation appealed to the Red Cross organizations on the issue of discrimination by the Secretary General of the Belarusian Red Cross Society (BORC)


On October 18, 2022, the Secretary General of the Belarusian Red Cross Society (BORC), doctor Dzmitry Shautsou, spoke on the STV channel about gender identity and sexual orientation. His comment contained discriminatory and stigmatizing theses, in particular, that "non-traditional relationships between the sexes" are a "mental illness" that "needs to be treated."


List of issues on the implementation of CEDAW: submission prepared for the 83rd Pre-Sessional Working Group of the CEDAW

This submission was prepared by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other NGOs for the 83rd Pre-Sessional Working Group of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and contains information on a wide range of issues related to the realization of women's rights in Belarus as well as a list of questions that in our opinion it would be useful to ask the Belarusian authorities.


About the engagement of the delegation of Belarus in the dialogue with the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


As part of the 94th session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in Geneva, the report of the Republic of Belarus on the implementation of the commitments under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was considered. Civil society has also outlined their vision. The report prepared with the participation of BHC is available here.



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